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Hooded eye woman

By a lilypad pond

Sucking a cigarette

Till it's gone.

Cigarette holder

Held by her hand

Sucked by her mouth

She consumes her brand.

Cigarette holder

Sucks in smoke

Becomes bolder

In a single stroke

Smoke becomes woman

Something has broke.

Lilypad pond

Filled to the brim

Hooded eye blond

With green highlights trim.

Lilypad lawn

Fat carps on the swim

Mouths ghenghis khans

Fat carps win.

Hooded eye woman

Cigarette holder

Like Louise Sarandon

Nothing can hold her.

Carps on the feed

You hear their need

Suck in a lilypad

Suck out my sad.

Oh what sounds

Doughnut hole round

I could swallow them whole

Through grateful ear holes.

Stay with me stay

Don't go away

Lilypads sway

As carps push their way.

Lilypad sounds

Dancing with carps

Put angel's to shame

Playing their harps.

Lilypads swaying

Round pond round

Through carps playing

Their eating sounds sound.

Hooded eye woman

Sucking cigarette holder

Comes a' quaking and than

Her forms can't hold her.

She turns lily pad green

Cigarette holder is carp,

Sucks in woman

Angels drop their harps

I did see that

Or maybe i did

Dog into cat

Round world gone flat.

Lilypads walk

Cover me green

I can't talk

And i can't scream

Suck me in

I lose original sin.

I have a new life

With a hooded eye wife

We're everywhere

To be seen

Our green

Now a screen.

Carps play lilypads

Sucking sound glad

Angels play harps.

It's an upbeat start.

How will it end?

Make believe 'n pretend.

Just like before.

Only now there's one more.

A new duet

Can't forget

The forms that bet

On a cigarette.

Hooded eye woman

By a lilypad pond

Sucking a cigarette

Till she's gone.

Carps, lilypads and the hooded eye

woman with a cigarette holder