A - E
F - J
K _ O
KABOOM’s lament (large hadron collider)
"maybe next time" (fashioning the blues)
mamma please don't hit them brakes
maybe i got a lover i ain’t met
mouth of diamonds, mouth of hearts
movin’ in the spirit of the lord
Olallieberry pie blues (Moby Dicking the conjunction
On success (as poor as croesus)
P - S
T - Z
Anne and Keith (tale of a lonsome guitar)
blue-cold heart blues (nothing but departing)
bury the scholars and burn the books
carps, lilypads and the hooded eye woman with a cigarette holder
chairman, big bo peep & the department of sleep
checking for rain with a wet finger
conflicts of a circle of colored bands
creature comforts hadleyburg revisited
roberta’s gone (she’s alone with me)
romance in the skies with pat garett and billy the kid
she’s got a fan of black feathers
smashing (medea’s thunder eyes)
some things just can't be said
something is howling at the door
standing in line at the temporal store
summer ecstasy, (year), eternity