I'll give you my heart
This heart of mine,
Will you love it forever
From your start of time?
I'll give you my soul
This soul of mine,
Will you love it forever
From your start of time?
I'll give you my love,
This love of mine
Will you love it forever
From your start of time?
I'll give you my meaning,
This meaning of me
Will you love it forever
From your beginning to be?
Yes I will do all that you ask
Do it all and more to gain a past.
Then I open my dreams,
And evoke your existence
And banish all screams
And damn all resistance.
And I take your dreams
That cause me to be
And love them forever
Into my reality.
We looked across the bridge of time
And said together these words of kind
That brought us to stand inside the lines
Whose vanishing point became the divine.
matter out of mind