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blue glass

Well Confucius and Budda and the rest of them too

Got to wondering about why the sky is blue.

Budda said, “Well I bet you

The answer is sitting with Lao-Tsu.”

They found Lao-Tzu, the old master,

Looking into a piece of blue glass for all the answers.

Lao called for the wine, called for the vinegar.

Looked at ‘em both and thought, “What am I here for?”

He thought about connections, about harmony,

Thought about God and the deep blue sea.

Confucius and Budda tasted the vinegar

And looking sour, said, “We know what this is here for.”

But the old master tasted it and smiled.

Said, “You’d better enjoy it all, you’re only here for a little while.”

He said, “Life is sweet when you get it.

And the key to good government is not to let it.

Every minus has a plus as every desire has a must.

When you pull here, something  moves there.

It may be far away but that don’t mean it don’t care.”

Well one day Confucius thought he’d take a little trip.

To visit the old master, you know, make it kinda quick.

It didn’t take long for him to say, as he saw the way,

“It is the dragon that I see today.

It reaches the heavens, how, I can’t say.

But this I tell you truly, I see it today.

This I tell you truly, I see it today.”