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lilly lou

That ole cat,

She don't move

Lies on her bed

In a store front window,

On a street, street of the dead.

Doesn't move at all.

Don't feel that moving call.

Lilly Lou, Lilly Lou.

If you only knew.

I could die happy

In heart an' mind

If i could see you move

For just one time.

Just one time.  

I'm gonna flow through that window

One dear day,

Lay down with you,

Close my eyes an' stay.

Till the whole world,

Whole world

Moves away

(Takes all its mice

An' moves away)

We're gonna move the whole world

Some sweet day.

Make it all just move away.

All move away.

I'm goin' t' beg forgiveness

Go down on my knees

Ask just once

For your release

From my sin

Of disturbing your peace,

Just for only this one time.

Lilly Lou, Lilly Lou.

If you only knew.

I could die happy

In heart an' mind

If i could see you move

Just one time.

For just one honey sweet time.

C'mon sweetheart, just one time.